What next?

Published on 10 February 2024 at 18:52

So, I have finally come to the end of The Vow, the second and last part of Oddný Einarsdóttir. It's so hard to let go of characters that you have worked with intensively for six years! I can't envision writing anything that doesn't feature them. Still, I have to write something, I feel the urge, and I'm wondering what to pick up next (I always have a handful of ideas/projects going at the same time). There is my fantasy series, The Isle of The Mighty, which is a reconstruction of the four main stories of the Mabinogi in that I hope to create a version of the tale that may possibly have existed. Tales back then were pretty fluid, and while adhering to the same main plot etc., they could have many different versions. Hence the frequent confusion and vagueness of the fragments we have left today. I intend this series for a general audience but particularly for fantasy-loving young people, as I want to make the magic and treasure of the Mabinogi more accessible to modern kids - something they would never otherwise give time of day. 


So I'm thinking of starting with one of the books, actually the second one, retelling the story of Bran and Branwen. On the other hand, I do have another historical fiction novel brewing in my brain, one I've back-burnered  for some time now while finishing up Oddny. It's inspired by the Gunnlaugs saga Ormstungu; I'm basing the main characters on Helga the Fair and Gunnlaugr Viper's Tongue and their relationship/deadly love triangle with Gunnlaugr's rival, Hrafn, will be the core plot of the book. But so fresh after Oddny, I can't bring myself to relive the Northern world through anyone else's eyes yet. I'll need a little space before I can get properly inspired for that one!

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